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Microsoft Word Memes and How They Can be Useful in Content Marketing

Microsoft Word Memes and How They Can be Useful in Content Marketing


Microsoft search can be used for many useful things. They can be used for finding the answers to all sorts of questions, such as, “how do I create a meme from scratch with Microsoft Word?”, or “how do I find the best memes on the web using Microsoft Search?” We’ll also give you an infographic that shows you how to make your own memes in Microsoft word using this guide! Now let’s dive right into it:

What is a Meme and How can they be used in Content Marketing?

Memes are a type of media that is used to share a message or a joke. They usually consist of an image with text on it, but they can also be audio files or video clips. Memes are used in content marketing because they can help you spread your brand’s message and tell customers what makes your business special.

Here are some examples of memes from popular brands:

  • Use memes in your campaign: You can use memes to share information about your company, product, policies and objectives.

How to Create a Meme using Microsoft Word

Download Microsoft Word. If you don’t already have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, download the free version here: https://products.office.com/en-us/try

Create a document and then create a meme template in it by following these steps:

  • Click on “Insert” and select “Table” from the drop-down menu (or press CTRL + T). A table will appear in your document with one row and two columns of cells that can hold text or images – exactly what we’re looking for!
  • To start adding information to this template, simply type whatever text or caption into each cell that corresponds with the image below it (for example: if an image says “This is my car,” I might write “This is my favorite car”). If you’d like there to be space between words or sentences so they’re easier to read when viewed online later, click on any blank spot within each cell first before typing away — this will give us some breathing room between lines.*
  • Once everything has been entered properly into each column (or cell), click anywhere outside of them so no other edits take place until later.*
  • Then go ahead and save this document as either .docx or .doc format using either Save As… under File menu options; once saved successfully, open up Google Images Search Engine* page now so all those wonderful memes can be found quickly too!

How to Find the Best Memes on the Web Using Microsoft Search

You can also use Microsoft Search to find memes on the web. Just type in your keyword, such as “meme,” and then choose a source that matches what you’re looking for. For example, if you want to find memes with an adult theme, search for “adult” or “NSFW.”

To understand how these searches work better, let’s look at some examples:

  • For example, if one person were looking for a specific meme based on their son’s love of Russian pop culture and another person was looking for an equally specific meme related to gaming in Russia (and both people wanted their respective memes to be original), they would have different sets of criteria for what qualifies as authentic enough for them.
  • Because there are lots of potential results from each search term (and some may not necessarily show up), it’s important that the person using this method has time available before seeing those results appear.”

Use this Guide for an Infographic & Learn how to Make a Meme from Scratch With Microsoft Word.

This guide will teach you how to make a meme with Microsoft Word. First, we’ll give an overview of memes, why they’re useful and how they can be used in content marketing. Next, we’ll walk through how to create a meme using Word for Mac or PC (it’s pretty easy). Finally, we’ll show you how search engines like Google and Bing work so that you can find the best memes on the web!

You can use memes in your content marketing strategy to make it more compelling.

  • Use memes to make your content more interesting and engaging.
  • Use memes to engage with your audience.
  • Use memes to make your content more shareable.
  • Use memes to make your content more current.
  • Use memes to make your content more relevant.


Obviously, this post wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. But the point here is that some memes and meme formats can actually be really useful in drawing your readers’ attention or communicating key points effectively. We hope you have fun with these memes on your next content marketing project, whether it’s a blog post about Microsoft Word or something completely different. Happy writing!

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