Primavera p6 Project Controls and Planning

Baseline Programme Review Checklist

Baseline Programme Review Checklist

Baseline Programme Review Checklist

Table of Contents


Ensuring the success of a project requires meticulous planning and rigorous compliance with contractual obligations. The Project Baseline Program Review Checklist is designed to help project managers and teams stay on track and meet all necessary requirements. This comprehensive guide covers key areas such as contract compliance, schedule verification, deliverables, activity analysis, and more.

Contract Compliance

Schedule Identification

Ensure the project schedule is clearly identified with the correct project name, contract number, and version. This step is crucial for maintaining clarity and avoiding any miscommunications.

Submittal Contents

Verify all required documents and data are included in the submittal package. Incomplete submissions can lead to delays and contractual issues.

Contract/Schedule Completion Date

Confirm that the planned completion date aligns with the contractual requirements. This helps in ensuring that project deadlines are met without any legal implications.

Time/Seasonal Restrictions

Identify any time-of-year or seasonal restrictions that could impact project activities. Planning for these in advance can prevent unexpected delays.

Substantial Completion Date

Verify the substantial completion date and ensure it meets the contract requirements. This milestone is critical for project closure and client satisfaction.

Regulatory/Permit Requirements

Ensure all regulatory and permit requirements are identified and included in the schedule. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues and project stoppages.


Check that all critical project milestones are correctly defined and included. Milestones are key indicators of project progress and success.

Contract Access Restrictions

Review any restrictions related to site access and ensure they are reflected in the schedule. This ensures smooth operations without access-related disruptions.

Submission Timing

Confirm the timing for submission of documents and schedule updates. Timely submissions are essential for maintaining project momentum.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Ensure the WBS is detailed and aligns with the project scope and objectives. A well-defined WBS is the backbone of effective project management.

General Checks

Schedule Calculation

Perform a thorough calculation and verification of the project schedule to ensure accuracy. This helps in identifying any discrepancies early on.

Data Date

Confirm the data date used in the schedule is current and accurate. An outdated data date can lead to incorrect scheduling assumptions.

Out-of-Sequence CPM Calculation Rules

Review and adjust rules for out-of-sequence CPM calculations as needed. This ensures the critical path method calculations are correct.

Schedule Errors

Identify and correct any errors in the schedule logic or data entry. Errors can lead to project delays and cost overruns.

Imposed Finish Date

Verify any imposed finish dates are justified and correctly applied. This ensures realistic scheduling without undue pressure.

Total Tasks or Activities

Ensure the total number of tasks or activities is appropriate for the project scope. Too many or too few tasks can affect project tracking.

Insufficient Details

Identify any activities that lack sufficient detail and update them accordingly. Detailed activities provide clarity and better tracking.

Milestone Ratio

Check the ratio of milestones to ensure they are proportionate to the project size and complexity. An appropriate ratio helps in better project monitoring.

Deliverables, Submissions, and Procurement

Contractor Design Submission

Verify the contractor’s design submissions are complete and on schedule. Design submissions are critical for project approvals.

Submittal Duration

Confirm the duration allotted for submittal reviews is appropriate. This ensures that there is enough time for thorough reviews without delaying the project.

Submittal Contents

Ensure the contents of each submittal are complete and meet project requirements. This prevents rework and delays.

Procurement and Long Lead Items

Review the procurement schedule for long lead items to prevent delays. Timely procurement is essential for project continuity.

Fabrication Activities

Check that all fabrication activities are scheduled and detailed. This ensures that prefabricated components are ready when needed.

Fabrication Activity Detail

Ensure detailed fabrication activities are included and tracked. Detailed tracking helps in managing dependencies and timelines.

Activity Durations

General Check

Perform a general review of activity durations to ensure they are realistic and achievable. Unrealistic durations can lead to project delays.

High Duration Activities

Identify activities with excessively high durations and review their necessity and feasibility. Long durations need to be justified and manageable.

Zero Duration Activities

Verify the validity of any zero-duration activities and adjust as necessary. These should only be used for milestones and not for actual work.

Wet Weather Allowances/Buffer

Check for appropriate allowances or buffers for activities impacted by wet weather. This helps in maintaining schedule integrity during adverse conditions.

Activity Analysis

Activity Distribution Histogram

Analyze the distribution of activities to ensure a balanced workload across the project timeline. Balanced distribution prevents resource bottlenecks.

Mechanically Incorrect Dates

Identify and correct any mechanically incorrect dates within the schedule. Correct dates are crucial for accurate scheduling.

Actual Dates

Verify that actual dates for completed activities are accurately recorded. This ensures that the schedule reflects true progress.

Proper Activity Types

Ensure that activities are categorized correctly according to their types (e.g., task, milestone). Correct categorization aids in proper schedule tracking.

Proper Measurement of Activity Completion

Confirm that methods for measuring activity completion are accurate and consistent. This ensures reliability in progress reporting.

Missing Activity Descriptions

Ensure all activities have clear and complete descriptions. Descriptions provide clarity and aid in understanding task requirements.

Duplicate Activity Descriptions

Avoid duplication of activity descriptions to prevent confusion. Unique descriptions help in distinguishing between different tasks.

Activity Codes

Activity Code Structure

Review the structure of activity codes to ensure they are logical and comprehensive. A well-structured code system enhances schedule organization.

Activity Code Assignment

Verify that activity codes are correctly assigned to each activity. Proper assignment aids in tracking and reporting.

Duplicate Activity Code Definitions

Eliminate any duplicate activity code definitions to maintain clarity. Unique codes prevent data confusion and errors.

Blank Activity Code Values

Ensure no activity codes are left blank. All activities should have assigned codes for proper tracking.

Report Levels and Requirements

Check that report levels meet project reporting requirements. Appropriate report levels ensure accurate and meaningful reports.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Codes

Missing WBS Definitions

Ensure no WBS definitions are missing and all are well-defined. Complete definitions provide clarity and better management.

Duplicate WBS Names

Avoid using duplicate WBS names to maintain uniqueness. Unique names prevent confusion and overlap.

WBS Assignments

Verify that each activity is correctly assigned to the appropriate WBS element. Correct assignments ensure accurate tracking and reporting.

WBS Definitions

Ensure that all WBS definitions are clear and understandable. Clear definitions aid in proper project understanding and execution.


Calendar Review

Review the project calendar for accuracy and completeness. A well-defined calendar is essential for effective scheduling.

Holidays/Non-Working Days

Confirm that holidays and non-working days are correctly identified. This ensures accurate scheduling and resource planning.

Activity Calendar Assignments

Ensure activities are assigned to the correct calendar. Proper assignments prevent scheduling conflicts and inaccuracies.

Logic and Sequencing

Logic Review

Verify the logical sequencing of activities to ensure a coherent flow. Logical sequencing is crucial for a workable and efficient schedule.

Summary Activities

Review summary activities for accuracy and completeness. Summary activities provide an overview and help in tracking major phases.

Workable Sequence of Activities

Ensure the sequence of activities is workable and logical. A well-sequenced schedule ensures smooth project execution.

Missing Logic in Milestones

Identify and address any missing logic links in milestone activities. Complete logic links are essential for accurate milestone tracking.

Missing Predecessors

Ensure all activities have appropriate predecessors. This prevents gaps and ensures logical progression.

Missing Successors

Ensure all activities have appropriate successors. This ensures that all tasks are followed up appropriately.

Open Ends Logic

Avoid open-ended logic to maintain a clear project path. Open ends can lead to confusion and scheduling issues.


Negative Float

Identify and address any instances of negative float. Negative float indicates schedule delays that need to be resolved.

High Float or Excessive Float

Review activities with high or excessive float for potential schedule adjustments. Excessive float can indicate inefficiencies.

Lag and Lead

Lead or Negative Lag

Check for the presence of lead or negative lag and ensure they are justified. Unjustified leads or lags can disrupt the schedule flow.

FS Relationship Positive Lags

Verify that Finish-to-Start (FS) relationships do not have positive lags. Positive lags in FS relationships should be avoided for accurate scheduling.

Large Lags as Separate Activities

Code large lags as separate activities to improve clarity. This makes the schedule more transparent and manageable.

Lags Not Overlapping Activity

Ensure lags do not overlap the associated activities. Overlapping lags can create scheduling conflicts.

Lags Longer Than Activity’s Duration

Confirm that lags are not longer than the activity duration. This ensures logical and realistic scheduling.

Non-Zero Lags

Check for and review any non-zero lags. Non-zero lags should be used judiciously and justified.


Imposed Finish Date

Confirm the validity and necessity of any imposed finish dates. Imposed dates should align with project goals and constraints.

Free Float Constraints

Review the use of free float constraints to ensure they are appropriate. Free float constraints should not unduly restrict the schedule.

Expected Finish Constraints

Verify the accuracy of expected finish constraints. These constraints should be realistic and achievable.

Mandatory Constraints

Check for mandatory constraints and their impact on the schedule. Mandatory constraints must be justified and necessary.

Start On Constraint

Ensure start on constraints are correctly applied and justified. Start on constraints should align with project requirements.

Contractual Constraints

Review and ensure compliance with all contractual constraints. Contractual compliance is crucial for project success.

Critical Path

Critical Path Definition

Define and verify the critical path within the project schedule. The critical path determines the project’s shortest possible completion time.

Critical Path Continuity

Ensure the critical path is continuous and unbroken. Continuity is essential for maintaining project progress.

Percent Criticality

Verify the percentage of critical activities in the schedule. This helps in identifying and managing critical tasks.

Critical Path Reasonableness

Check the reasonableness and feasibility of the critical path. An unreasonable critical path can lead to project failure.

Multiple Near-Critical Paths

Identify any near-critical paths and assess their impact. Managing near-critical paths is essential for preventing delays.


General Checks for Labor and Cost

Conduct general checks on direct and indirect labor cost resources. Accurate resource tracking is essential for budget management.

Resource Level Schedule

Verify the resource leveling schedule for accuracy. Proper leveling prevents resource overloads and inefficiencies.

Resources Assignment

Ensure resources are properly assigned to activities. Correct assignments ensure that tasks are completed efficiently.

Missing Resources

Identify and address any missing resource assignments. Missing resources can lead to project delays.

Resource Congestion

Check for and mitigate resource congestion. Resource congestion can cause bottlenecks and slow down the project.

Milestone and Summaries with Resources

Review milestones and summary activities for resource assignments and ensure completeness. Proper resource assignment at these levels is crucial for project tracking and reporting.

By following this comprehensive checklist, project managers can ensure that all aspects of the project are meticulously reviewed and aligned with the contractual and project requirements, leading to successful project completion.

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