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Microsoft Word and How it Can Help You Create and Make Templates, Design Letterheads, and More

Microsoft Word and How it Can Help You Create and Make Templates, Design Letterheads, and More


For over 35 years, Microsoft Word has been the standard word processor for students, writers, business owners, and nearly everyone else who needs to type up a document. It’s easy enough to use that it’s been used by millions of people who aren’t even familiar with the basics of personal computing—after all, Word was originally designed as a tool for typing up letters. However, as technology has advanced and the advent of personal computers and mobile devices has changed the way we work, Microsoft Word has evolved from a simple typing program into a powerful application for anyone who wants to design documents or professional templates. In this article, you’ll learn not just how to use Microsoft Word but also how you can make it work for you!

A Brief History of Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word was first made available in 1983 and was the first-word processor to be sold as a standalone product. It was originally developed for the Apple II computer, but it eventually made its way onto many other platforms and operating systems as well.

Microsoft Word has gone through over 500 updates since its inception, all of which have improved upon its original version. The most recent major update (2010) added many new features like ribbon menus, fast-track navigation keys, document themes, and styles that integrate with your web browser’s color palette. Each update also included small tweaks here and there—for example, newer versions allow you to set up custom headers above each page in your document without having to insert them manually every time you want them (they’ll appear automatically).

The Basics of Microsoft Word

Before you can create a template, you need to understand what Word is.

Word is a word processor that allows users to create and edit documents on their computers. Users can also create templates from these documents, which are files with the .docx extension (a file extension is just a way of telling the operating system what type of file it is) that contain placeholders for content such as pictures or text—these placeholders will be replaced with actual content when the user opens up the template again in Word.

Now that we’ve covered some basic concepts about Word and its function, let’s dive into how you can actually use it in order to make some templates!

How to Use Microsoft Word for Professional Design Projects

There are many reasons why you might want to use Microsoft Word for professional design projects. For example, if you work in a field where documents need to be formatted professionally, such as law or medicine, then using Microsoft Word will allow you to do this quickly and easily.

However, the ability of Microsoft Word to create professional-looking documents does not come naturally at first glance. There are several different tools and settings that must be used properly in order for your document to look as it should. In this section, we’ll look at all of these tools and settings so that you can create a professional-looking document with ease!

How to Create Templates with Microsoft Word

  • Create a Template in Word

To create a template in Microsoft Word, go to the File tab and select New. Choose the Blank Document option from the drop-down menu.

  • Using Templates in Word

You can then start creating your document. To use a previously created template, go to the Insert tab and select Templates (if it’s not already selected). From there you can browse through different pre-made templates that are available on your computer or online at Office Online and save them to your hard drive. If you don’t see what you want here, click on Manage Data Sources under Tools after clicking on New Document in Step 1 above (or press CTRL+SHIFT+L). This allows you access to all of Microsoft’s templates which are stored online but need to be downloaded before using them offline as well—just choose Download All Templates Available Online Now!

Get Started Making Your Own Designs with Microsoft Word Today!

So, you can see that Microsoft Word is a powerful tool that can be used to create almost any design. It’s time to get started making your own designs with Microsoft word today!

  • Create a letterhead by using the “Page Layout” tab and clicking on “Page Setup.” Then adjust your margins and choose an appropriate paper size for your letterhead.
  • Create a design for a letter by first creating it in Microsoft Word as normal, then choosing “File,” then “Save As” and save it with the extension .docx instead of .doc or another extension. You’ll need this so that when you open up the file again in Word, it uses all of its formatting options (and doesn’t just reopen as plain text).
  • Design templates for flyers, brochures, resumes or other documents by first creating them in Microsoft Word as normal—but make sure they’re saved with the extension .docx instead of .doc or another extension before closing them out so they’ll retain their formatting when reopened later on!

It’s hard to believe, but Microsoft Office has been around nearly as long as personal computers.

Microsoft Office has been around for a long time. So long, in fact, that you might be surprised to learn that it’s only been around since 1983. Yes, Microsoft Word was first released in 1983 (on the Apple IIe platform). And yes, it was originally called Microsoft Multi-Tool Word before becoming the popular word-processing application we know and love today.


As you can see, Microsoft Word is a powerful tool that offers a lot of different options for people who want to create professional-looking designs. This guide has laid out some of the main features you’ll need to know in order to get started working with this software, so take what you’ve learned here and start experimenting!

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